Serbian Association of Agricultural Economists

Association of


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2007- Development of agriculture and rural areas in Central and Eastern Europe

2008-Agrarian and rural policy in Serbia 2

2008-Radojević Possibility of exporting AI products to the EU market

2009-Agriculture of Serbia and European integration-Where are we and how to proceed?

2009-Nikolić-Evolution of cooperative legislation in Europe

2009-Agriculture and rural areas of Serbia

2010-Agrarian and rural policy in Serbia

2010-Agriculture in late transition

2010-Agriculture of Serbia and European integration maladjustment-TS

2011-Agrarian and rural policy in Serbia-Necessity to accelerate reforms

2011-State and perspectives of cooperatives

2012-State and perspectives of cooperatives

2012-Attitudes of directors and cooperative members about AC in Serbia

2012- Danilo Tomić BIOGRAPHY

2012- Efficiency of the intellectual capital of the AP Vojvodina economy

2012- Strategy for the development of agricultural cooperatives in the RS

2013-State and perspectives of cooperatives

2013-135 EAAE Seminar

2016 -152nd EAAE SEMINAR Emerging Technologies and the development of agriculture

2013-Agrifood Sector in Serbia