Serbian Association of Agricultural Economists

Association of

How to become a member

Any adult individual who accepts the goals and statutes of the Society and meets the membership requirements can become a member of SAAE.
Membership application  should be submitted to the email address:
The Membership Committee will inform you of the acceptance of your application for DAES membership within seven days. Upon receiving a positive response regarding admission, you are required to transfer the specified amount for the annual membership fee to the Society's account.
There are two basic forms of membership: regular and honorary. 
Regular membership is open to any individual interested in advancing scientific and practical work in the fields of agricultural economics, agribusiness, and agricultural and rural development. 
Honorary members are individuals who have special merits in the development of agricultural economics science and profession, as recognized by SAAE. Honorary members are declared by the Society Assembly, upon the proposal of the Board of Directors.
A member may resign from the membership by submitting a written statement of resignation. Membership in the Society ceases due to non-payment of the membership fee for the calendar year, violation of the provisions of the Statute, or damage to the reputation of the Society.